New Park

I was fed up with the uneven paths at Centennial Park and decided to take my run elsewhere. Spring Creek Forest Preserve doesn’t look like much, but the paths are smooth and somewhat flat. Today I ran 3.01 miles, and it was fun.

The weather was gloomy with gray clouds blocking the sun. A cool breeze blew across my back and on my face. Spring Creek is a great change in scenery even though it isn’t much to look at. There is a path with a few outlets that surround a body of water. That’s about it. There isn’t much to see besides trees and bushes. As for the run, it felt good to push my pace at the end as I went up inclines and through a residential area. My legs ached a bit but otherwise, they felt good. I am looking forward to tomorrow and my future runs.

Lemonade Kush gave me the late push. The high appeared to hit a few minutes before the run but sat in the background until the end. My mind felt calm and focused as well as happy and euphoric. I did not feel any stress or anxiety.

“Never stop trying to be the best.”

Lemonade Kush is a Live Resin vape by Ozone: 82.52% THC 50-50 split.

It helps with: Chronic pain, Headaches, Muscle Spasms, Arthritis, Stress

Effects: Focus, Creativity, Relaxation, Happy, Uplifting, Euphoria

Terpenes: Carene, Pinene, Myrcene, Ocimene, Humulene, Limonene, Linalool, Valencene, Terpinolene, Phellandrene, Caryophyllene

Sources: (

Weather: Cloudy

Temperature: 69 Fahrenheit 20.5556 Celsius

Humidity: 70%

Wind: 5 N Gusts 12 mph

(This is a test that I have taken upon myself. I am not a professional trainer, a professional smoker, or a medical professional. Please do your research and seek a medical professional for any medical questions. We do not encourage you to smoke and participate in any heavy physical activities, like running. We have chosen to do this on our own and encourage you to make your own decisions. Only smoke if you are 21 or older. Also, do not smoke and operate any motorized vehicles.)