Gym Run

Yesterday I forgot to smoke before going to the gym. Today I did not make that same mistake. I remembered to take a hit before going to the gym and it was a good decision. I ran 2.03 miles indoors in a gym and it was good.

I am lucky enough to run on a Matrix treadmill which is much better than my day-to-day machine. The session was good even though I felt some pain in my left knee. The throbbing pain eased after a mile as I increased my pace. I was a little surprised by time as I felt my pace was fast today compared to the day before.

Lemonade Kush was great. This strain helped me stay calm and focused as pushed myself faster and faster. The hit kicked in about a half mile into the run and lasted the entire session. I did feel both anxiety and dry mouth. With all that said the high was still helpful during my run.

“Take your time and enjoy the ride.”

Lemonade Kush is a Live Resin vape by Ozone: 82.52% THC 50-50 split.

It helps with: Chronic pain, Headaches, Muscle Spasms, Arthritis, Stress

Effects: Focus, Creativity, Relaxation, Happy, Uplifting, Euphoria

Terpenes: Carene, Pinene, Myrcene, Ocimene, Humulene, Limonene, Linalool, Valencene, Terpinolene, Phellandrene, Caryophyllene

Sources: (

Weather: Cloudy

Temperature: 79 Fahrenheit 26.1111 Celsius

Humidity: 57%

Wind: Indoors

(This is a test that I have taken upon myself. I am not a professional trainer, a professional smoker, or a medical professional. Please do your research and seek a medical professional for any medical questions. We do not encourage you to smoke and participate in any heavy physical activities, like running. We have chosen to do this on our own and encourage you to make your own decisions. Only smoke if you are 21 or older. Also, do not smoke and operate any motorized vehicles.)